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Sauna Bath

What Is Sauna Bath & its Benefits?

Have you ever felt the warmth of the sauna revitalizing your mind, body, and soul? Does the experience sauna attract you and you know the benefits that time spent in this warm room bring?

Word ‘sauna’ comes from the Finnish language and means ‘wooden room’. It's a chamber or room usually made up of Cedar or Spruce/Pine Wood designed as a place to experience dry and wet heat therapy.

The Sauna provides an environment of dry intense heat (176-212 degrees Fahrenheit). The heat is provided by a Sauna heater that heats the rocks to provide a soft heat. Once the rocks are enough heated, water is thrown over these rocks to provide humidity. Splashing water on the heated stones in the sauna with the help of a Wooden Bucket and ladle raises the humidity level to as much as 30%. Traditional or Conventional Sauna, it's the only bath which provides both Dry and Moist Heat Therapy. To take the ideal duration inside the Sauna, a wooden sand timer (up to 15 minutes) is used to measure the time. A wooden Hygrometer and Temperature meter are also present to compute Humidity level and temperature inside the Sauna room.


Let's have a look at the benefits of Sauna-

1) The heat from the sauna relaxes the body's muscles, improves circulation and stimulates the release of endorphins.

2) Saunas aid in recovery after intense physical activity. Sauna relaxes muscles and soothes aches/pains in both muscles and joints.

3) Saunas flush toxins via the sweating process.

4) It lowers the risk of both Alzheimer's & Dementia.

5) Sauna bathing reduces the levels of cortisol in our blood, it relieves stress.

6) Saunas can induce a deeper sleep.

7) Saunas burn calories, A moderately conditioned person can easily sweat off 500 grams in a sauna in a single session, consuming nearly 300 calories in the process.

To avoid any negative health effects, the following precautions are also advised:

1) Avoid alcohol before or after your sauna.

2) Don't overdo it; 15-20 minutes of a sauna is a reasonable time limit for most folks.

3) Cooldown gradually afterward. Although some cultures advocate a plunge into cold water, it produces considerable circulatory stress and should be avoided.

4) Drink 2 to 4 glasses of cool water after each sauna.

5) Don't take a sauna when you are ill, and if you feel unwell during your sauna, head for the door.

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